Podcast Episode #1 and More

We have decided to walk an extra mile for our customers, where we will shed some light on habits and products (not mattresses!) to enhance your sleep experience. Through a series of weekly newsletter and podcast episodes, we will address some common sleep related issues (inconsistent bedtime, effects of caffeine on sleep and many more) and will provide you with easy implementable solutions


How many times have you kept your hand on the pocket and couldn’t feel your phone? Looked for your phone in your bag and got a panic attack? Well you’re not alone! You’re part of the nomophobia tribe


We don’t blame you!

You always wanted to go to that Vietnamese restaurant but did not know its exact location. You heard a song at a party, liked it and wanted to add it to your playlist. Or you just wanted to transfer money to your younger brother. These are indeed some great moments to have your phone nearby

I was writing this article and subconsciously picked up my phone and started reading on a controversy about clearing up the forest area in India to construct a metro line. Well, this is where the problem starts

But before we dive deeper into this, let me just check my phone. I think someone messaged me. Naah! False alarm, I just got a Phantom Buzz


Ok! Let’s bring our focus back to sleep here.  Melatonin, often known as a sleep hormone, tells your body’s internal clock that it’s time to sleep. As it becomes dark outside, the melatonin level in your body increases which calms your body and is an indication for it to go to sleep.

Light suppresses the production of melatonin and that’s how sunlight tells your internal clock that it’s time to wake up. The problem arises when the blue light emitted from the electronic devices starts telling your internal clock to stop producing melatonin. And this ultimately makes you feel wide awake when ideally, you should be sleeping.

Excessive use of mobile phones during the daytime makes you anxious and takes you closer to your phone during the nighttime. As per research, it affects your cognitive ability as well



We know that it’s easier said than done but we have to say it. 15-30 minutes before you plan to sleep, talk to your partner, meditate, make a mental list, read, write down something or just gaze at the ceiling but avoid using your phone.

We realized that you would be ready with your counter list here: this is the only time I get to check my messages, the most important things of my day come up at this time and a thousand other reasons! Fine!



Make sure that you at least dim the light on your phone in that case. The phone screen should be at least 14 inches away from your screen (approximately 3/4th of your arm’s length). Activating the night mode on your phone might come in handy. Try f.lux. Thank us later for introducing this to your life!

Companies like Somnitude have introduced blue light blocking glasses considering the fact that it’s difficult to not use our phones and other electronic devices after sunset. They filter the harsh blue light emitted by electronic devices in the evening. We have got a detailed review of their product on the first episode of our podcast

With the house sizes getting smaller these days, we cannot really afford to keep all our electronic devices out of the bedroom, and honestly, that’s not practical. But we surely can keep it on the side table. Out of sight out of mind!

You might feel tech gadgets and sleep monitors would help you sleep better. Though they are doing their job of collecting data and providing insights accurately, they have not gone through any rigorous validation for the results produced. On the contrary, you might become a victim of it, falling into the category of orthosomnia (it’s new, I got a spell check on that one).

Great! For our podcast series Expert Sleep Tips, we have partnered up with Dr Katharina Lederle who is a sleep expert based out of London, UK and is the founder of Somnia. Listen to her talk about the adverse effects of blue light on sleep on our first episode. We’ve got some more easily implementable solutions for you in the episode as well.
In our effort to help you sleep better, we would be back next week with a fresh new episode on our podcast and a newsletter highlighting another sleep related problem. 

We do take requests: if you have something that’s disrupting your sleep and you wish us to cover that in our future episodes/newsletters, do let us know and we would be happy to dig deeper into that and find out something for you
If you are sleeping well and this newsletter would not help you with improving your sleep, reply with unsubscribe to this email and we will not disturb you further. 

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